Online Photo Services

It is our extreme pleasure to be able to offer you the ability to save time and money from having to chase down a passport photo location to obtain the required photos for your China Visa Application. With China Travel Services’ Online Photo Service, the applicant can take their own picture from the convenience of your home or office, following the detailed guidelines found here. Once you have the picture you like and that follows the guidelines, you then securely email the picture to China Travel Services at or upload in our secure Customer portal. This service is an add-on service that you may select when completing your Online Visa Order Form.
Background and Lighting
- Photo must be taken against a solid white background
- Photo must be in color, with no background lighting or shadows showing
Positioning And Pose
- Photo MUST be recent that easily identifies you
- Look directly at the camera, face front and head straight
- You should maintain neutral expressions with your eyes open, mouth closed, and ears visible
Glasses, Jewelry, and Head Coverings
- Do not wear white clothing
- Remove eyeglasses for Photo
- Remove any jewelry
- Head covering may be worn for religious purposes only, but may not obscure or cover any facial features
File Requirements
- Submit the actual image, generally 1MB or more, not to exceed 15 MB
- Format may be either ‘jpg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘gif’, or ‘png’
If you choose to have your photo taken by a professional passport Photoshop , you may still download the photo requirements to ensure that you have the necessary guidelines.
The Chinese Embassy is very strict with their photo requirements. Failure to follow the included instructions and guidelines will cause your application to be delayed or denied.